WARNING: Due to graphical post processing effects, some sensitive to flickering may find some discomfort with the visuals.
Please download the windows build as the WebGL browser build does not have any audio and some graphical issues may arise also! Thank you!

WASD - Movement 
Mouse controls FPS camera view
E and F - Interact keys

These last few months have been filled with restless nights, feelings of anxiety, paranoia and visits from a dark god.
Over time the vile words they whisper into your ear start to sound more and more sweet. You grow to enjoy the battering and berating they give you.
One night you decide to go for a walk to clear your head, you've just taken your first step outside when that familiar voice ask you for one last favour!


Build.zip 54 MB

Install instructions

Please download the windows build and extract the zip then load up the "Brackeys_Jam_23.1" application


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nice short spooky