Ludum Dare 51 Submission - The theme was "Every 10 seconds"

How to play- 

Every 10 seconds, lightning will strike and will briefly show you where the enemies are. You don't have long to memorise their positions so make sure you have a keen eye. After the lightning has struck you have until the next strike to click on the windows and door to choose which entrances they are coming for. You have to manage your ammo as this is a game where you have very few resources.


You've just settled in on the couch to finally read that novel you've been meaning to get to. Suddenly, the power goes out. Luckily you had just got the fireplace burning with a soothing warmth and affording just enough light to see the words on the page. 

Minutes maybe an hour or two of reading and relaxing go by when the stillness of the air outside turns to an icy fast paced wind. You can hear the trees outside as the gusts of wind violently shake the branches.

The floor beneath you starts to tremble with an unnatural rhythm. You can hear rain and hail starting to slam the metal sheeting of your roof. This doesn't feel right.

*Thud*...... *Thud*..... *Thud

3 slow but hard knocks against the kitchen window startle you. You've lived on your own long enough to know that sound was not a friendly neighbour. You rush to grab your shotgun from the mantelpiece.

You can barely hear the shuffling and ungodly cries outside over the pounding of blood rushing through your veins. 

The knowledge that this night of terror has only just begun, you load 3 shells into the shotty. 

"Damnit, I was just getting to the good part too"


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